Saturday 26 February 2011

Second cast

Fibreglass tissue lines the thin car body swill to help support the piece once removed from the mold. I have paid specific attension to the headband section which runs around the head and supports the rest of the piece.

A much smaller quantity of car body swill is painted into the recouvered silicone. I have mixed this batch roughly two thirds filler to one third resin in order to create a thicker mixture that is easier to prevent from running over the parameters of my silicone mold. To help maintain an even, smooth layering of the car body swill, each layer has been smoothed with a rubber kidney as it sets.

The silicone is placed back inside the car body jacket. The fibreglass needed more cleaning as car body mixture had filled some of the inside. Any bits that did not come off with the hot air gun and chisle were remouved with the drennal. One advantage to this fibreglass jacket is that I am more able to reach inside the mold from all angles as there is far less excess fibreglass surrounding the silicone.

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