Monday 21 February 2011

applying the fibreglass jacket

The fibreglass is applied using three lots of 600g of resin. The resin is mixed to the same ratio as the gel coat and brushed onto both sides of each strip of fibreglass before being applied. The resin breaks up the fibreglass strands as it is applied to allow the strips to fit within the smaller details such as the keys. When covering the silicone, I have tried to make sure the fibreglass does not undercut the chin as it will set extremely strong. I have applied roughly four coats of fibreglass to the main body of silicone and three for the surrounding flange. This takes a further twenty minuets to set.

Gel coat is applied to the first half to be fibre glassed. The gel coat is mixed with 2percent catalyst to every hundred grams of gel coat and left to set for twenty minuets.

Here I have rolled out a clay wall to place just off centre of the highest point of the head. The clay is flattened and keys are indented with a sculpting tool. This wall will provide a flat surface for the fibreglass jacket to butt up against so that the second half of the jacket can fit well alongside it.

The face is smoothed over with clay as this part is not important to my cast. Smoothing over the facial features provides a flatter surface to shape the fibreglass jacket over.

Ant gaps between the plaster and silicone mold are plugged with clay, this will ensure that no fibreglass will fit down these gaps and destroy the mold.

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