Thursday 24 February 2011

What happens when you forget release agent

The split, damaged first cast. One half has lost the tip of the headband and both halves are far too thick and heavy for my piece, requireing much sanding and repair work if they were to be salvaged. Fortunatley, The silicone has come out in one piece so I am able to recast the headband.

The inside view of my mold shows how the car body swill has spilled over onto the fibreglass jacket. This would have been far easier to remouve if I had first applied release wax to the fibreglass. As I missed out this step, the resin has bonded firmly with the fibreglass resin, incasing my silicone mold. During the first attempt to break open the fibreglass, The resin cast split in half with the impact of the hammer and chisle. In order to recouver the silicone, I had to use the oscallating soar to cut through excess fibreglass and car body swill to get better access. I then had to use a heat gun and chisle to carefully remove the remaining excess car body swill. Eventually, I was able to prize apart the mold and recover the silicone and two sections of the cast.

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