Tuesday 1 March 2011

Sourcing materials

I have purchased three car spray paint cans from Halfords as these metallic tones are unavailable in the University spray room. The most difficult decision was deciding which white to purchase, as the colours are sorted by make of car and I had to find the exact level of metallic sheen I was after. In case I run out of white primer at university, I have also brought back some white radiator paint to cover the grey car body filler before painting metallic white. In addition to the greenish paint colour, I have acquired some Hammerite to experiment with different, lass polished finishes to the shoulder pieces. By painting on the Hammerite before spraying, I hope to achieve a stone, cracked effect in the paint's surface.

The gold fabrics are offcuts from a fabric shop in Croydon. I was unsure which gold I preferred so I will test how each looks over the foam sections that will make up the wings. It may also be a good idea to see how each material takes to a spray painted strip of black detail.

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