Sunday 6 March 2011

Shoulder pieces

The pieces are sculpted over the bust and cleaned up around the edges to assure symmetry. The lines provide a guide for where to add detail.

Clay bulks out the plaster shoulders to give a looser fit to the pieces. By providing a smooth surface to sculpt over, I aim to make the inside to the shoulder pieces more rounded without any impressions from the damaged plaster shoulders. The undercut between the plaster and yellow foam is also filled in to help the moulded pieces come away from the bust later.

Two blocks of yellow foam help to raise the bust up and provider a larger space to work over. Looking at the state of this plaster cast, it is just as well that I did not use an expensive mannequin or coloured fibreglass cast to work over. To continue the shape of the bast and shoulders, I used a hand-held power sander to shape the yellow foam in line with the plaster cast. Much excess fibreglass resin and silicone were also sanded off the plaster shoulders.

1 comment:

  1. I JUST RAPED YOUR PAGE IN A MATTER OF MINUTES!! Pardon my bluntness but this Janelle Monae' inspired costume makes my heart flutter! I love it! Its amazing! I found this page because I want to be her for Halloween! BUT KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
