Tuesday 25 January 2011

Final design rendering

Using the graphics tablet in Photoshop, I have started to render my final design. The colours have been sourced from art deco buildings, the Archandroid CD cover and the Metropolis, the chase suite CD artwork. Each segment of the overall design has been rendered on a separate layer to keep within the parmeters of the drawing. Whilst the shoulders and wing piece are highly influenced by art deco style and tones, the additional pieces over the shoulders and the headband reference modern interpretations of robots such as those seen in i robot and the Bjork music video, "All is for Love". I have tied these two styles together by using black graphics and gold bordering onto the headpiece detail. The finished costume will require different surface finishes for the shoulders and wing pieces. The headband and shoulder extensions should appear smooth and polished, reflecting the white shell of the Janelle Monae robot artwork. The shoulder pads will be finished in a more cracked and aged paintwork, appearing more dated in contrast. For the wings, I plan to cover these in metallic gold fabric for a more handmade appearance.

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